Musica Medici
Platinum Skies: What's it about?
One thing that has really affected me over 35 years of being a family doctor was witnessing the courage shown by women with breast cancer (or any cancer for that matter). Women carry the responsibility of having children; for this task they possess the necessary organs (breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix). It is a cruel irony that these are the very organs which turn against them as they get older.
I especially think of women in their late 30's or 40's who come in to the office and casually announce a lump in their breast. They are anxious but hopeful. I examine them, feel a suspicious lump in their breast, and definite hard swollen glands under one arm. I know what they are in for. It's amazing to me how these women cope with their unplanned journey. Despite needing care for herself, she continues to look after the household, the children and maybe even keeps working at her job. Husbands are often very supportive, but sometimes they become another person the woman must care for during this crisis. Even if it's obvious they are going to die, they never stop being caregivers. Whether they live or die, they all shine brightly.
I also wonder: how is a doctor supposed to grieve the death of patients?
This is particularly difficult when the patient is young and leaves behind a growing family.